Volunteer Application

Once approved, We will contact you!

Animal Solutions Unlimited does not have their own building and land for the rescued animals to stay.
Therefore, since our pets are boarded you must email us to arrange any visits....
For more information email usĀ mailto:AnimalSolutionsUnlimited@gmail.com

We rescue pets from animal control facilities, especially ones that use the gas chamber for
euthanasia. We are a no-kill animal rescue and we literally pull some animals on their last day of
life at animal control so that they may have another chance within our adoption program.

We are a non-profit and our mission is one of compassion for the homeless and
rehabilitation for the physically and mentally abused. Our goals are to promote spay/neuter,
stop the use of gas chambers to kill our homeless pets, and to educate people on how to treat
all animals with respect and dignity.