Animal Solutions Unlimited

Animal Solutions started as part of our ministry and saw how pets are being killed in gas chambers to euthanize.  If you truly love animals and see the "hope" in their eyes and the spirit of their souls you can not help but want to help them.
Since November of 2003, we have been helping find solutions for pets and their owners in North Carolina.  We are more than a rescue.  We are animal's solutions unlimited.  There is much more involved in the life of an animal than them just needing re-homing. 

Animals deserve all of the love and care that we need as humans beings.  Some dogs and cats don't even get a fair first chance not to  mention the  many that need second and third chances of adoption.  They need psychological rehabilitation along with their physical well being, for those that have been abused.
Our mission is one of compassion for the total well being of pets.  Whether that is providing homes to the homeless, rehabilitation for the physically and mentally abused, or transportation services to their new owners.

Our goals are to promote spay/neuter, to stop the use of gas chambers from killing homeless pets, and educating pet owners on how to treat all animals with respect and dignity. Dogs, and Cats were domesticated by people for companionship, and to work beside us in our everyday life.  We are responsible for their well being for they are completely dependent upon us and no longer able to survive on their own.  This is the state of their modern day life, as we (man) have taken away the wild from them.

Dogs and Cats feel pain,suffer depression, and want to live just as humans do.  However, everyday
in this country, every 7 seconds somewhere there is a loving, hopeful pet whose life is ending just
because they have no home.   Be a part of the solution and not the problem, SPAY and NEUTER
your pet!

Animals Solutions Unlimited continues their work by doing whatever we can to make a difference in the life of a pet.

If you cannot adopt please make a donation. If you are looking to adopt know that if you adopt from
ASU you will be saving the life of a pet.  You are not only helping by taking the one home with you, but by making more space in the world for those that still need adopting. 

If you or someone you know cannot afford to spay or neuter their pet please call or write us for

There are programs to assist available and we will be glad to help stop the cycle.  From all the happy pets who have found homes today because of your support THANK YOU!

Please Spay or Neuter Your Pet

Every  year, in this country, millions of healthy adoptable
cats and dogs are killed because there are not enough
homes for them all......

Each day 10,000 humans are born in the U.S. - and each day 70,000 puppies and kittens are
born. As long as these birth rates exist, there will never be enough homes for all the animals. As
a result, every year 4 to 6 million animals are euthanized because there are no homes for them.

Spay and neuter your pet! In addition to saving lives, spaying and neutering can also drastically
improve your pet's health and life expectancy. The idea that pets become fat or lazy when they
are spayed or neutered is a myth. Sterilized pets lead healthier, longer lives. Spaying a female
eliminates the possibility of uterine and ovarian cancer and greatly reduces the risk of breast
cancer. Neutering a male reduces the risk of both prostate enlargement and prostate cancer.
Neutering also will make your pet more affectionate and less likely to roam, get in fights, or
become lost.