Many people think they have to spend so many hrs all at one time and that its an overwhelming task to make sure their dog stays happy.  But that’s not the case at all, because lots of small times ad up to time spent.  Its not hrs that make your dog happy, it’s being satisfied. 


You also have to look at the breed of dog you have. 

Jack Russell terrier is going to need ongoing things to do because its mind is always going ready to do something new, something energetic! Ever wonder why they use Jack Russell terriers on television so much? Now you know!  This specific breed needs lots of new things to learn too. 

The Australian Shepherd likes to herd things.  It may try to herd your kids and nip them on the heels or near their ankles.  This is another thing to think about when considering what breed to bring home to the family. The Aussie is a worker and will need things to herd to satisfy its herding instinct.  You may want to intensely train it and enter it in herding contests to make sure its herding instinct stays satisfied. And because this is an energized breed that will not do so well in a laid back setting with no work to do, they tend to climb fences escaping the back yard and become destructive when not given any kind of working tasks to perform. On the other hand, your BullMastiff is another story.  

The BullMastiff is a laid back fellow and doesn’t need much of an energized day at all.  You can take it for a brisk walk just around the block or in your yard and it would be happy. It doesn’t take much to make this breed happy at all considering it only lives to be about 8 years old.

Just consider the breed you have.  Do your homework and make sure you get a breed that fits your lifestyle.  If you like to hike, like to be a couch potato most of the day, like to go to swimming, and so on.

And remember, when we keep our dogs happy, they can bring us so much joy