Browsing Archive: July, 2011

How To Keep Your Dog Happy

Posted by Animal Solutions on Monday, July 18, 2011,

Many people think they have to spend so many hrs all at one time and that its an overwhelming task to make sure their dog stays happy.  But that’s not the case at all, because lots of small times ad up to time spent.  Its not hrs that make your dog happy, it’s being satisfied. 


You also have to look at the breed of dog you have. 

Jack Russell terrier is going to need ongoing things to do because its mind is always going ready to do something new, something energetic! Ever wonder why the...
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Animal Abuse and Neglect.....What will You Do to Help?

Posted by Animal Solutions on Wednesday, July 13, 2011,

Of course we all have heard the horrific stories of dogs being neglected, their bodies covered in mange being almost completely bald, itchy and sore, not able to get relief.  The sorrowful stories of cats whose owner had so many of them they couldn't properly care for them so the cats end up with upper respiratory infections and snotty eyes.  Oh and the snake that was found in a neighbor's toilet bowl because the owner was so irrisponsible to let it be lose and roam without keeping an eye on...
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